その後1996年にスタートしたTBS系ドキュメンタリー番組「世界遺産」にテーマ曲「The Song of Life」を提供、大ヒットオムニバスアルバム「image」にも収録され、自身の代表曲となる。フジテレビ系「フジサンケイクラシック」ゴルフ中継テーマ曲「Let me go」をはじめとする数多くのオリジナル曲があり、現在までに15枚のソロアルバムをリリース。
また学生時代からの朋友 神保彰(ds)とのユニットPYRAMIDで6枚のアルバムをリリースしている。アレンジャー、プロデューサーとしても松田聖子、吉田拓郎、葉加瀬太郎、CHARA、鈴木雅之、TUBE、宮本笑里、T-square、小松亮太、等、幅広いジャンルのアーティストを数多く手掛ける一方で、アニメーション「ストリートファイターII MOVIE」「鋼鉄三国志」、ゲーム「幻想水滸伝V」、「FINAL FANTASYⅫ(co-Produce)」、映画「神様のパズル」「クヌート」等のサウンドトラックも担当。 

In 1981, while studying at Keio University, Yuji debuted with a self-produced solo album.
He later wrote “The Song of Life”, the theme music of TBS Group’s documentary program THE WORLD HERITAGE, which started in 1996. This tune was included on “image”, the hit compilation album, and went on to become one of his most famous works.

Yuji has released 15 solo albums to date, which include numerous original songs, such as “Let me go”, the theme music he wrote for Fuji TV’s “Fuji Sankei Classic” golf broadcasts. He has also released 6 albums as “Pyramid”, a unit he set up together with Akira Jimbo, a drummer friend from his college days.

As an arranger and producer, Yuji has been associating with a wide range of artists including Seiko Matsuda, Takuro Yoshida, Taro Hakase, CHARA, Masayuki Suzuki, TUBE, Emiri Miyamoto, T-square, Ryota Komatsu and others. At the same time, he was responsible for the sound tracks of “Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie”, “Kōtetsu Sangokushi”; the games “SUIKODEN V” and “Final Fantasy XII” (co-produce); as well as the films “God’s Puzzle” and “Knut and Friends”.
Yuji also served as the navigator of DoCoMo BODY AND SOUL, J-WAVE radio program for ten years from 2004 to 2014.